简介:A struggling social media influencer discovers the house he shares is haunted. The ghost brings him and his friends fame and fortune, but with deadly
简介:曾经在美国空军服役、获得航天工程学学位的查尔斯法默(比利鲍伯松顿 Billy Bob Thornton 饰)本来有希望成为美国宇航员,但当年突发变故令他没能实现儿时就立下的航天梦想。退役后的法默闭门建造自己的火箭,要全凭一己之力飞向太空。穿着宇航服出门的法默早已是镇上的名人,但没人相信他能够成功,同
简介: 杰克(杰夫·布里吉斯 Jeff Bridges 饰)曾是一名电台主持人,一次意外中,他的不当言辞导致了了一个名为埃德温(克里斯蒂安·克莱门松 Christian Clemenson 饰)的男人精神崩溃举枪乱射,酿成了多人伤亡的惨痛后果,心中充满内疚和痛苦的杰克从此陷入了人生的低谷无法自拔。 杰
简介:In this third installment of the hit Nazi Zombie action horror movie, Outpost: Rise Of The Spetnaz, we discover the horrifying origins of these supern
简介: A small town is haunted by the twin daughters of a wrongfully convicted man. Young Jordan is sent down the path to who the real killer is only to fi