简介:Daylight Fades is a movie starring Matthew Stiller, Rachel Miles, and Allen C. Gardner. What do you do when you can save the life of the man you love
简介:London-based Millionairess Epifania (Sophia Loren) is attracted to Dr. Kabir (MD from Delhi and PhD from Calcutta), who is more intent on treating pat
简介:在英国赫特福德郡的克洛普山上,有一座废弃已久的圣玛丽教堂。当初教堂废弃后曾经用来停放尸体,后来该建筑逐渐残破,渐渐与与幽灵鬼怪和邪教巫术扯上了关系,成为超自然事件的发源地之一。曾有人在当地拍下了诡异的画面,更有人目击了被黑弥撒所残害之人的头骨,因此闹鬼的传言愈演愈烈。这一天,凯文(Kevin Gat
简介:Soon after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Lena, from the former East Germany, plans a trip to Hollywood. She has planned her itinerary to the minute, bu
简介:故事发生在1911年的复活节前夕,唐(弗雷德·阿斯泰尔 Fred Astaire 饰)和娜丁(安·米勒 Ann Miller 饰)不仅是情感上的伴侣,也是舞台上的合作伙伴,两人合演的舞蹈曾经征服过一批又一批的观众。然而,感情是会变的,当娜丁对唐的感情不再时,她也拒绝了继续和唐在业务上的合作。于是,唐