简介:来自廷布(不丹首都):宗萨蒋扬钦哲仁波切的第三部故事片注定要是全然不同的。不同于它的前两部电影——《高山上的世界杯》(The Cup)和《旅行家与魔术师》(Travellers and Magicians)——VARA,在梵语中意为恩赐或护佑,本片将会有一套专业演员阵容,其中有些还是宝莱坞的著名影星
简介:After the death of his youngest brother following an alleged police altercation, Abdel (Dali Benssalah) is called back from the frontline to find his
简介:泰米尔那都邦南部一个偏远的小村庄Podiyankulam有一项特殊的传统:谁能从悬崖上一跃而起将对岸抛出的鱼劈成两半,谁就能拥有“镇村宝剑”(Village Sword);选择接受该挑战但却无法将鱼砍成两半的人则会被村民斩首。1997年,一位名叫Karnan的青年男子腾空而起,成了宝剑的主人。 Po
简介:Scare Package II: Rad Chad’s Revenge immediately follows the events of the original with the survivors attending the funeral of “Rad Chad” Buckley, wh
简介:A rumor about Pallavi Patel, a quintessential, middle aged, devoted housewife who is famous for her dance and cooking, threatens to disrupt her middle