简介:The coming of age drama portray the relentless pursuit of the layman, the oppressed section of society who is in a constant struggle and fight to recl
简介:It was a fateful coincidence that in 2014, just when the Allard Pierson Museum in Amsterdam was staging an exhibition of Crimean artworks, Russia anne
简介:影片根据奥地利作家萨克.莫索克(Sacher-Masoch)最具代表性的同名小说(Venus in furs)改编,讲述了一个受过良好教育的男子塞万宁(Severin)签署契约自愿成为一位女士旺达(Wanda)的奴隶,并受其驱使、奴役、惩罚的故事。 莫索克是SM疟恋文学的鼻祖之一,另一位则是闻名天下