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    4.0 HD中字


    • 主演:玛格里特·苏利文 詹姆斯·斯图尔特 雷·米兰德 
    • 导演:Edward H. Griffith 
    • 分类:剧情片
    • 地区:美国 
    • 年份:1936 
    • 更新:04.28
    • 简介:克里斯与西塞莉是一对年轻的爱人,一个是国际记者,一个是剧场演员,他们挣扎于要兼顾爱情还是要冲刺事业中,爱得很深,又非常骄傲,两个常年分居,独自生活……(by波迪与鹅)  In New York, the rookie newsman Christopher Chris Tyler dreams on



    克里斯与西塞莉是一对年轻的爱人,一个是国际记者,一个是剧场演员,他们挣扎于要兼顾爱情还是要冲刺事业中,爱得很深,又非常骄傲,两个常年分居,独自生活……(by波迪与鹅)  In New York, the rookie newsman Christopher Chris Tyler dreams on becoming a famous journalist. When his girlfriend Cicely spends a couple of days with him, they decide to get married and Cicely leaves college. Chris's best friend Tommy Abbott is his best man and becomes a family's friend. Chris has his great chance when his editor Frank Carteret sends him to Rome assigned as a foreign correspondent. Cicely stays in New York with Tommy and does not tell to Chris that she is pregnant. When she delivers the baby Kit, Chris celebrates and loses a big scoop and his boss fires him. Chris falls in disgrace and the couple has economic difficulties; however Tommy lends money to Cicely and offers an opportunity on the stage as an actress. Cicely is hired and becomes successful and Chris is depressed with the situation. Cicely seeks out Frank Carteret and explains the situation, and he offers a job opportunity to Chris in Russia. He accepts the job but Cicely stays in New York with their son....


    • 1.0 正片 狙魔女杰:复仇 梅兰妮·斯科洛凡诺,蒂姆·罗尊,多米尼克·普罗沃斯特-切克利,凯瑟琳·巴雷尔
    • 1.0 正片 热血合唱团 刘德华,卢冠廷,雷颂德,鄂靖文,吴岱融,谢君豪,李丽珍,孙佳君,关礼杰,尹扬明,于淼,陈聆子,郑丹瑞,王嘉慧,林恺铃,伍咏诗,姚学智,王智骞,吴卓衡,区再奇,王宣华,许明辉,陈小燕
    • 4.0 正片 300杀手 Johnny,Andrews,Tierra,Peterson,J.P.,Simmons
    • 8.0 HD 掘密计划 本杰明·萨德勒,耶迪斯·特里贝尔,弗里德里克·贝希特
    • 3.0 HD 云上石头城 赵晓明,韩月乔,祝新运,梁春书,金甲劲松,和晓霞,和凤军,刘媛媛,德勒少爷,李欣颖,麦小龙,尼玛颂宋,钟卓言,陈飞燕,范英,周琳,和国伟
    • 9.0 HD 圣人大盗 赖雅妍,曹晏豪,曾之乔,曾志伟,巫建和,侯彦西,高英轩,路斯明
    • 10.0 更新国语 291 周秀娜,郑欣宜,蔡瀚亿,杨尚斌,金燕玲,赖慰玲,汤怡,郑丹瑞,葛民辉,林海峰,张国强,王宗尧,周家怡,梁祖尧
    • 2.0 正片 水煮金蟾 范雷,杨静儿,王晓曦,李思博,闫婕,杨华,赵志喆,王迎奇
    • 4.0 正片 上岸的鱼 郑人硕,曾珮瑜,白润音,瑶涵沂,陈慕义
    • 2.0 正片 火星少女队 艾霖,韩东霖,王婷,杨子萱,徐丹,王小熳
    • 6.0 正片 风云九州 李琛,孙蛟龙,成国栋,刘嘉艺,金阳,窦清,师一钧,唐虑晶,姜嫄,于金金,郭雨婷
    • 1.0 HD 麻木国语 吉米·巴姆博,玛丽·艾格洛浦路斯,


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