简介:MAYA is a mystical thriller, telling the story of the presumed relationship between Icaro and Adriana, since the moment they met until the day when sh
简介:The summer before she goes away to college, Tamara encounters a girl with a scar on her chest. As the summer winds on, she finds herself increasingly
简介:After decades of conspiracy theories and shrouding secrecy, the CIA finally acknowledged the existence of Area 51. But that was all. The actions on th
简介:索兰的新浪潮三部曲之二。另两部是《巴纳巴斯考斯事件》和《拳击手与死神》。 The action of the film takes place in the course of one night at a fashionable nightclub in Bratislava. The lead
简介:蒙面英雄佐罗(安东尼?霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)为了阻止西班牙总督蒙特罗滥杀无辜,突然从天而降,劫走了准备行刑的犯人,从而与蒙特罗结下深仇。随后,蒙特罗派部队跟踪了佐罗。在一片混战中,佐罗的妻子被杀死,还在襁褓中的女儿被虐走,佐罗也被投入了监牢。一晃眼二十年过去了,为了让自己的事